So last night my mommy wouldn't let me sleep alone. She insisted on for me to sleep in her me being the obedient boy I am, I did. 5 hours later I said, enough is enough!!! I broke loose from those arms...I cried and wailed 'til finally mommy put me down in my crib... Now if any of ya'll have ever seen my crib, ya'll would've been just as happy. I have this amazing plush crib with this cool projector mobile that plays some cool jams ( including Beethoven & Mozart .) So there I am happy and content.. 4 am chillin' with my music on, and here comes my mom again trying to carry I had a fit! screamed at her and insisted in going back in. When she realized I wanted to go to sleep on my own for the first time...her eyes were filled with tears...she had to realize i'm a big boy now. 1 1/2 month old. lol.

See nothing but some good ol' fun alone :-)

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