Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Month Old

WOWZERS!! Its been a whole month and Brody has seen and been through many crazy, yet amazing things. He has drank lots of milk, got circumsized, cried, smiled, and even poo poo'd and pee'd!!! He's such a natural. It's like he's done it all before.

Other than that, he's harrassed daily by his grandmother, but he knows it is all LOVE! Awwwwwwwww.

Look at him resisting!

OOuuuch! a punch to the face!

AWWWWW nobody can resist Granma!!!

Strong Man

2 weeks later and Brody is already exercising regularly. He can even lift his head. This kid is talented i tell you!

Interactions With Father

Finally after a couple weeks Brody became comfortable leaving his mothers nipple and hanging out with Dad. You can see the two surf the web together and hang out on the bed!

If you look closely you can see Brody watching cool stuff on the internet through the reflection of Daddy Don's eyes! Truly Amazing!

You can see Brody is trying to wave but he has not yet learned to work his hands and fingers. Good Try Brody!!!

Old Home vs. New Home

It was difficult for Brody to grow acustom to his new home, but after a few days he knew it was the place for him, especially since he outgrew his old home!

Previous residency:

Current residency:

As you can see his new home is elegantly rennovated with an amazing mural done by Michaelangelo himself.

Captain Hook

Brody recieved his first nickname a few Hours after birth. Looking at the world with one eye open, he soon became Captain Hook. In my opinion he's much cuter than Captain Hook ever was!


The following took place June 27, 2009

After 25 hrs of a long and trying labor, Brody Donovan Blount finally made his entrance into the world. Luckily he arose with all body parts intact!!! He came out a whopping 8 lbs 9 oz. and was 20 in. long. Shortly after taking sight of his mother, whom for all of 9 months he assumed was an evil monster, he broke out in tears. But soon he realized who was boss and clung to her breast. Meanwhile Brody's father, Donovan, stood in shock and began crying like a little girl. SIKE!!! Although witnesses claim to have seen his eyes water up, he denies all allegations. It was an amazing feat and people from all over america traveled to Los Angeles to witness the birth of young Brody. Many believe he is the reincarnation of Michael Jackson, others think he is the return of Jehova. When his parents are asked what they think of all this commotion, they respond, "He is the ONE." Despite all the speculation, one thing is for sure. HE SURE IS CUTE AINT HE!?!??!?!